Slowing the Aging Process with Microneedling

The aging process is different for everyone and is affected by many factors, including genetics, environmental exposures, diet, sun, substance use, hydration and others. Everyone is unique as to what makes us feel good and content with our appearance. If we like the way we look, that positively affects the way we feel. A microneedling treatment can help slow and reverse the aging process with healthier skin and a stronger sense of self-confidence.
Microneedling alone is beneficial for anti-aging, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles; rosacea, scar, hyperpigmentation and age spot reduction; and minimization of pore-size and acne. Microneedling, along with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can expedite the healing process of tissues and enhance overall results.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a safe and effective procedure approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that creates very minor micro-injuries that cause a cascade effect where growth factors are released, triggering a synthesis that increases collagen formation and allows plasma to be absorbed into the skin. The increased collagen production restores lost volume, smooths acne scars and decreases hyperpigmentation, sunspots, pore size, fine lines and wrinkles, leading to tightened and improved skin over a three-month period.

What to Expect During a Treatment

Strong local anesthetic cream is applied to the skin 30 minutes in advance to make the experience more pleasant. After the procedure, skin may look and feel slightly sunburned for 24 hours, then makeup can be applied. The risk of infection and skin discoloration is rare and potential side effects include short-term swelling, redness and skin flaking.

Within three days, the sunburn look is gone, and after three weeks, new blood vessels begin to form, bringing increased blood flow for collagen production. Within three to six months the overall improvement of skin tone and texture improves, along with the reduction of fine lines.

Get in touch to start your journey today for more healthy, beautiful skin!